Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Warrior Wednesdays: Whatsoever You Ask, Believing, You Will Receive It!

John 4, tells the story of a nobleman who historians have discovered travelled 20 miles to see Jesus. He had a desperate need, his son was sick to the point of death so he travelled a long journey believing that Jesus would heal his son. His original plan was for Jesus to come back to his home however, Jesus sent him home with the words "Go thy way; thy son liveth..." the man believed everything Jesus said and turned to go home. On his way home his servants met him and told him his son was healed. When he asked what time the fever left his son he realized it was the exact time that Jesus told him his son liveth. Jesus answered the man's request instantly he was rewarded because of his faith. When you are asking God for a miracle remember to ask in faith without doubt. Consider the following topics when you are in need of a miracle.

1. How far are you willing to go for your blessing?
- This man journeyed 20 miles to see Jesus. We may not be able to physically walk to see Jesus but there are other ways to get in touch with him such as prayer and fasting. Are you willing to fast and pray for your miracle?

2. If God doesn't respond in the way you think he should do you believe he will still bless you?
- The nobleman wanted Jesus to come to his house to heal his son, however Jesus refused his offer and told him to go home because his son was healed. This was not the plan the man originally had, but he believed Jesus and went home. 

3. God can provide your miracle instantly. 
- Sometimes we feel that God takes forever to answer our prayer request and that we need to ask over and over. This story shows that God can answer your prayer immediately. Within the same hour that Jesus told the nobleman that his son liveth, the fever departed and his son was healed.

4. Do you believe everything Jesus says?
- "The man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him and went his way." John 4:50 The word of the Lord is truth when Jesus speaks it will come to past. "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matt 21:22
Stay Blessed and Continue Warring for Christ!
Warrior Wednesday: Brittney

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