Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Transforming Tuesday: What Happens When You Believe

What do you believe in? When I was younger I believed in Santa Claus until my stepmother told me Santa wasn't real. I can't really say I believed in the Tooth-fairy because I don't have too many memories of her. I also believed that there were monsters under my bed when I was young. And to be totally honest, I believed that Chuckie (the red-head crazy and murderous doll) was real. It took me literally YEARS to get over that doll. As we grow older, however, we realize that these things that we once believed in are fake. More importantly, we chuckle at the idea that we even for a second believed they were real. When I believed in Santa I thought he was the one who came to give me my Christmas presents (Poor parents don't get the credit early on). I would even go as far as trying to be good a week before Christmas so Santa Claus would deliver me all of my presents on my list. And when I believed in Chuckie I feared for my life.

Did you ever take the time out to think about what happens when you believe in something? When you believe in something good and positive you think positive. When you believe in something negative, well you can become consumed with fear or you give off negative energy. We should all keep in mind that you are what you give off. So how do you believe? What does that even mean? Webster's dictionary defines this word as to accept something as true, or to feel sure of the truth of. What do you believe and in who do you believe?

Today's reading in Romans tells us that, "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." This is how simple it is to believe in Jesus! Proclaim it and store it in your heart. I remember my mom used to tell me to "Claim it!" She was simply telling me that if I wanted something to come to pass that I had to say it and it will be. Most of the time we speak things into existence. What are you speaking into existence? When you speak it, you declare it. When you're declaring it, surely you're believing it. Don't you believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior?

Now what happens when you believe? In today's reading in 1 Samuel, when David believed that he was a child of God, David was protected from Saul. Not one time, but over 2-3 times. When we believe in the power of God we are protected, guided, favored, and blessed. We have shown through our lifestyles and surrendering to God that we believe. We find ways to vocally voice that we believe in God, we find ways to declare his existence, and thus we believe in his power! There is no other power like him. He is omnipotent. In today's reading in Psalms, when we believe, "The righteous will rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him!" Let's glorify him by believing in him and proclaiming his existence and let's see what happens!!!

Point to Ponder:
What/Who do you believe in? Are you speaking things into existence today? Think about what you choose to declare! And remember that there is power in the tongue. You are what you put out so speak/proclaim GOOD things about your life and follow on the path of righteousness. Lastly, if you believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior then you shall be saved. 

It's Never Too Late To Transform Your Tuesdays :)
Transforming Tuesday: Jamera

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Jamera!!! This is awesome. What a great reminder to watch what we say.
