In this life, Christians are basically running a race trying to get heaven. Our goal is to stay chasing after God and the final destination is to be with Him in heaven. Now, many times we have distractions which will come in and take us off course. These distractions can be job wise or it can be temptations. Now, the reading in proverbs talked about a particular temptation. In proverbs, the writer is talking about watching out for harlots or promiscuous women. I believe that this also goes for men as well. Basically, you cannot listen to that temptation and you have to look to Jesus for help and strength. It's not going to be easy because it's life but with God it's a whole lot better. But that right there is only one temptation. There are many others depending on your walk with God.
Now, when you're running the race, you might get tired or discouraged. You may be wondering where Jesus is because He said He will never leave you and He said that you won't give you more than you can bear. You may feel like you can't go any further or that you are stuck. You may feel that you are not going to be able to finish the race. I just want to encourage you to hold out and keep pressing forth because God has you. You just have to seek Him. The Israelites we're in the wilderness for an extremely long time. And as any human would do, they started complaining about the lack of food and water. They realized that they had everything they needed in Egypt besides the freedom aspect. So, the Israelites came to Moses and gave their complaints and issues. So, Moses came to God and cried out unto God. God confirmed that He heard their cries and spoke to Moses about how their supply would come. And as always, God's promises came to life. Now, with this race, you will have ups and downs. But, that's the time when you have to go to God and talk to Him. You may have to cry out to Him. When Jesus was at the garden of gethsemane, He cried out unto God before dying on the cross. He told God to take this from me because I don't want to do it. And mainly that was the flesh speaking and also fighting with the devil. And Jesus also said on the cross, my God my God why hast thou forsaken me. So crying out unto God is not the issue. Actually, God wants you to cry out to him. He wants you to tell Him your troubles. But, He also wants you to trust Him. The thing is He doesn't want to you to take the situation into your hands. When you do that, it says that you don't trust Him. You don't trust that God can bring you out. This also goes into running the race with patience. Hebrews 12:1 really got me on the patience aspect of running the race. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with PATIENCE the race that is set before us.". God wants us to run this race with patience. He wants us not to rush through it for a couple of reasons. First, you'll miss out on the miracles that God has for you. In addition, there are people on the way that God is going to want you to pull them in the race. And God wants you to trust Him ALL the time. He wants you to trust Him because He knows the right time for your blessings. We can't rush order our blessings because God may not want it rush ordered. He may want it delivered a couple weeks later, when He knows that you will really need it. So, we have to be patient and we have to trust God.
So, as you're running the race, I encourage you to run with patience and trust God. He will bring you through it and He will bless you right on time. Don't give up and keep running because the race is to the one who endures to the end. Continue to run your race until you finish it.
Have a blessed Sunday!!!
Salvation Sunday: Steven Gable
Encouraging word Steven. I am going to run this race determined to finish God's way.