Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Devotional: Shoes of Peace: Do you have your shoes on today?

The Bible, discusses putting on the whole armor of God. One key point mentioned are your shoes of peace, Ephesians 6:15 “and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” When your shoes of peace are on you recognize that you can go in peace because God is in control. No matter what negative obstacles you may face God has orchestrated every situation to work in your favor.

Yesterday, I heard a pastor state “things that bothered you 5 years ago should not still bother you today.”  This may be an annoying coworker, slow drivers on the road, etc. The coworker who bothered you 5 years ago should not continue to bother you today. Similarly, if slow drivers bothered you years ago they should not still affect you today. When he said this I examined my own life to see if I had matured by not getting frustrated over the same circumstances that I did 5 years ago.  Unfortunately, road rage has bothered me for over 5 years.

When I drive there always seems to be a super slow driver or a crazy driver in front of me.  This frustrates me to my core. Every NJ driver should know that the left hand lane is a passing lane if you are not passing someone then you need to get over. The message that was preached made me realize that I had not maturated in this area of my life. Instead of getting frustrated by every slow driver I need to make sure I stay in God’s peace.  God has everything under control I will still make it to my destination even with that annoying person in front of me.

As my fellow blogger Hannah says, “stay in Peace not in Pieces” staying in God’s peace is much better than staying emotionally in pieces. We can rest in God’s peace because he is in control of every situation. The bible says that “All things work together for the good.” Not just some, but ALL. Including the terrible boss, the lying friend, the struggles you face at home, all things work together for the good.  

This week I encourage you to go in peace because God is still on the throne. Remember to keep your shoes of peace on. Do not leave home without them. J
Have a BLESSED Week!

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