Tuesday, November 19, 2013

TRANSFORMING TUESDAY: Contributing To The Foundation Set Before Us

Life with God has been all that I've known. I remember attending bible study this week and realizing how blessed I am to know truth. Not only do I know truth, but I've always known truth. I applaud my mother, aunts, and uncles for their hard work in ensuring that I remain in truth. It is because of their struggles that I am able to understand that my relationship with Christ is not something that they can do for me, but something that I have to seek out for myself. Not only that, but if God isn't at the center of my life, then I'm not really living. 

Today's reading in 1 Peter 2 talks about the living stone. What exactly is that? Stones can either be helpful or they can be annoying. For those of you who understand the importance/meaning of stones, then you'll know that stones are helpful. They aid in building things, they set foundations, they sharpen things, etc. For those of you who fail to understand the importance/meaning of stones, you'll find them annoying. They can slow things down if you fill your driveway with them, they can cause you to stumble, they can harm you, etc. There was a time when I found stones annoying in my life but that was because I wasn't appreciative of the foundations that were built for me. I wasn't appreciative of the work or the struggles that others contributed all for my benefit. 

The Bible says that WE are living stones being built into a spiritual house. This means that we are the foundation...we are responsible...we are the struggles...but we are also triumphant. My father always told me, "Parents stumble so that their children can walk upright." He was and still is so right. When I think back to the struggles that my parents endured, I know that because of them I won't have those struggles. Even outside of parents, we as an older generation have an obligation to set the foundation for our youth. In the church you can just look around and see the foundations being built. I can witness friends that I've grown up with take on positions in the church that mirror their parents. I can see people transform themselves into being more like Christ. In essence, I see the people around me who just like their parents, are craving pure spiritual milk.

We have to remember that Jesus set the ultimate foundation when he died for ALL OF OUR SINS on the cross. My prayer is that WE continue to set the foundation for those to come. Our work is never done. We are going to stumble, but God will never let us fall. I think this generation has to get to a place where they agree and openly express that living for God is cool and it is the BEST thing to do. We live in a society where it is okay to express anything else (just got the new Jordans, crossed over into a new fraternity/sorority, got a new job, or even got into school) but when it comes to God we are silent. Why is that? We see evidence of him every second of everyday and most of us are yearning to know him. We owe it to our parents who have struggled so that we may have the lives that we currently live, and most of all we owe it to God who has started this foundation of salvation to do our part and contribute. Tell someone about the goodness of Jesus in your life! That might be the only "Jesus" that person may encounter all day. And when it is your turn with your children, continue to set that foundation for salvation---your children deserve to know and live TRUTH. God is GREAT!


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