Monday, January 7, 2013

Merciful Monday: God Will Fight Your Battles!

Have you ever been at war with someone or something and just wished that the battle would somehow end? Today’s scriptures showed me that we serve a God that can and will intervene on behalf of his people, even when we don’t know that we need his help.

The demon possessed man, the woman with the issue of blood, and Jairus’ daughter are all examples of this. The demon possessed man was in a mental battle against legions of demons, warring for his sanity! The woman with the issue of blood was battling an ailment that crippled her; for years she searched for a cure. And Jairus’ daughter was battling for her life, while everyone just knew that she had little time to live. In each situation, God intervened and worked miracles. They all were made completely whole and like Jesus told the woman, they were able to “go in peace” (Luke 8:48 NIV).

In Genesis, we read about a dispute between Abram and his nephew Lot. They followed God’s commandment to leave their native country and travel to a new land, but when they got there, they encountered problems (Isn’t that just like the devil! When you begin doing the will of God he always gets in the way to discourage you). Just as the argument was about to get out of hand God intervened and gave Abram the words to say to peaceably end the dispute. Then God said, “I will give you so many descendants that like the dust of the earth, they cannot be counted! Go and walk through the land in every direction, for I am giving it to you” (Genesis 13:16). I took this as a sign that the dispute was settled by divine intervention, not by Abram’s doing.

Even after Lot was captured and Abram went to war, we learned of God’s ability to fight for his people. I am sure Abram feared that he would not be able to rescue Lot, but God was the one fighting the battle on his behalf. Afterward, the priest Melchizedek told him, “God the Most High has defeated your enemies for you” (Genesis 14:20).

David seemed to know God as his personal warrior. In this time of distress, he called out to God, “Stand up against the fury of my enemies! Wake up, my God, and bring justice” (Psalms 7:6). David truly believed that NO hater was too big for God and that God had his back no matter what!

This all goes to show that we will all have battles in life, but when we give our battles to the Lord, whether they are mental, physical, spiritual, etc., HE WILL INTERVENE.

Today’s Prayer: Dear God, I am going through a very difficult battle right now, and I pray that you intervene on my behalf and make a way. I know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper as long as I have you on my side. By faith, I will soon be able to look back on this and see that you alone brought me out and like the demon possessed man, I will tell everyone about what you did for me. Meanwhile, I want to thank you for bringing me peace despite my current battle. In Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!

Merciful Mondays: Jael



  1. Thank God, for peace in midst of my battles and for intervening.

  2. Amen!!! Awesome!!! Thank God for the peace and for fighting on my behalf!!! Love the part about praising in advance.

  3. A very well-written and encouraging reminder. Thank you Jael!

  4. No weapon formed against me shall prosper... awesome word and song. God is so good.

  5. Great job Jael!! Only God is able to fight our battles effectively...especially those we can't even see!

  6. Great word Jael! Thanks for reminding me that my God is so big so strong and so mighty there's nothing that he cannot do!
